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Daniel Sighomnou

Director and Senior Adviser

Climate Change, Hydrological Research & Monitoring

Daniel SIGHOMNOU is a retired Scientific Officer of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which he joined in April 2013. In addition to supporting the hydrological activities of member countries, he was mainly involved in developing capacity-building activities in hydrological monitoring within the framework of various programs, including HydroHub-WHYCOS, Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS), Adaptation Funds, Green Climate Fund, etc. 


Before joining WMO, he worked as a hydrology researcher (1980-2005) at the ‘’Centre de Recherches Hydrologiques du Cameroun’’, with extensive experience in field hydrometry, organization and supervision of hydrometric network monitoring activities, hydrological research and administration (Assistant, then Head of Centre). He left the Centre in 2005, with the grade of Senior Scientist. He then joined the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) in Niamey, Niger, as an expert hydrologist consultant, supporting the development and implementation of capacity-building activities for the nine member countries in the fields of hydrological monitoring, data exchange and hydrological service provision, until March 2013. Associate professor at several African schools and universities, he has extensive experience in operational hydrology, including training activities. He is the author of over a hundred scientific publications in hydrology.

D. SIGHOMNOU holds a Doctorat d'Etat (2004) ès-Sciences Naturelles, water sciences option, from the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, a Doctorat 3ème cycle (1986) in Water Sciences and Development from the USTL de Montpellier, France, a DEA in Water Sciences (1982) from the University of Paris VI, and a Master's degree (1980) in earth sciences from the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon.

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