Benson Okundi
WEHDI Member & Technical Advisor
Benson has been a partner and director in PwC since 2006. In this capacity, he provides leadership and ensures sound business management driving the sustainable and profitable growth of the firm. For the last 13 years, Benson has dedicated his efforts to working with the Public Sector which include Government Ministries, Departments and their Agencies, Development Partners (Donors) and not-for-profit organisations. Benson is currently the leader of the Government and Public Sector (G&PS) Industry Group for PwC’s Africa territory and the African East Markets Leader. Benson has extensive experience in leadership and governance matters, public and private sector financial management, strategic and transformational leadership, human capital matters and change management. He has worked in several countries in Africa and Europe. Benson currently serves in KASNEB board as a board member and Chair of Audit and Risk Committee.